November 25, 2009

Spiral Dreams 漩渦 / Shirley Wing-yan Lai



子健嘴角微微上揚說﹕『你興奮得像一個期待學校旅行的小孩……』突然,子健的手提電話響了﹕『喂! 張教授,是……是……好,無問題……那麼,待會見。』




一輛銀色的七人車在東區走廊上奔馳,後排的兩名乘客,一個在小鏡前弄著自己的劉海,一個看著車外的景色,大廈在眼前溜走了,捉也捉不住。終於,旁邊的女乘客忍不住說﹕『小凝啊,不要一副被人遺棄的樣子,好嗎? 子健只是晚一點到,難得放假,不要愁眉苦臉,好嗎?』



文偉呀的一聲,只是感到一股離心力,小凝失去意識 . . .





大廳裡,小凝和阿雪坐在餐桌前,一聲不響,文偉在廚房弄一些簡單的食物。突然,有人按門鈴,三人同一時間嚇得彈起來,一把熟悉的男聲拍著門說﹕『小凝,是我,快開門吧!』小凝不敢相信,是子健! 看著大門,小凝遲疑了很久,仿佛在確定眼前是幻覺,還是真實。子健繼續拍門說﹕『小凝,是我,快開門吧!』


『不是的,門外的不是子健嗎? 你聽聽,是子健的聲音。』



子健繼續拍門說﹕『小凝,是我,求求你快開門吧! 我們不是說好要有一個開心的假期嗎?求求你快開門吧! 我一個人在出面好害怕啊!』


子健不再拍門,只是哀求地說﹕『你不再愛我嗎? 你確定不想見到我嗎? 但是,我不會放棄你、離開你的。』

子健那充滿肯定的說話,使小凝決心不再理會文偉的忠告,她衝到門前,卡的一聲把門柄往下拉,門開了,一道白光使小凝睜不開眼 . . .

白色的病房,儀器有規律的嗚嗚作響。窗外沒有濃霧,只有燦爛的陽光,小凝睜開眼,頭好痛,身體動彈不得,但是眼前的一切使小凝心頭一暖,子健緊緊捉住她的手,正在打瞌睡。身體一歪,子健醒了,看見小凝呆呆地看著他,子健激動地說﹕『你昏迷了三日了,我很擔心,你知道嗎? 』




Self reflection on Spiral Dreams
This is a haunted story based upon an old ghost story at my secondary school in Cloud View Road, Tin Hau. I have added some imaginative ideas in order to reflect my point of view towards modernity after studying this course.

The female protagonist, Ying, is confused by different versions of story told by her friends (Man Wai and Snow) and her boyfriend, and the situation and feeling of Ying is shared by students who study modernity like me. Different schools of thought seem to provide sound arguments on describing modernity (like Karl Marx, Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin, and Jane Bennett). Once I think a certain perspective is 'trust-worthy'or 'persuasive', other critiques may challenge what I have believed which confused me a lot. Just like Ying at first believing what her friends said, she accepts the death of her boyfriend. All of a sudden, her boyfriend re-appears and tells her another story. In the story, Ying is being trapped between stories that she feels anxious, haunted and puzzled. The feelings in the story are a reflection of what I feel in reality. Therefore, the genre of the story is a ghost story.

Besides, in the story, Ying is forced to make different decisions: whether she should open the door to her boyfriend or not; whether she should open the door to her friends outside the ward or not. Does she trust the story of her boyfriend or of her good friends? These questions push Ying to make a decision and also push the story forward without waiting for her final answer. Baudelaire described modernity as 'transient', 'contingent and 'flexible' that signified the fluidity of modernity. We can never freeze time to make a decision; we are pushed by modernity to move forwards involuntarily. A sense of passivity in Hong Kong (a city with quick pace) may reflect some feelings towards modernity.

However, I have never felt optimistic about studying modernity. When people finish reading this haunted story, they may ask some questions like, “What is the ending of the female protagonist, Ying? Who has (or have) died in the story?” I think people who study modernity may raise different questions towards modernity and different schools of thought in order to seek the truth. Therefore, I intentionally wrote a story without an ending so that readers can place their imagination and creativity to complete their own versions of story. I think that the emphasis on the "secular" in modernist ideas is similar to my thoughts: No one, at that moment, can answer all the questions brought by modernity but different schools of thought provide us hints to interpret the modern world. Intellectual freedom is an interesting and attractive characteristic of studying modernity.

Shirley Wing-yan Lai is a student from CLIT2018 Critiques of Modernity 2008-2009 second semester.

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